Here are the latest posts about BP Oil Spill on Science, Space & Robots:
Study: Social and Mental Impact From Gulf Oil Spill Similar to Exxon Valdez
A new study has found the social disruption and psychological stress among Gulf residents from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil spill is similar to the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez spill. (2011-04-19)
Microbes Consumed Gulf Oil Say Scientists
Last week there was a report that a subsurface hydrocarbon survey using an autonomous underwater vehicle and a ship-cabled sampler found a massive 22 mile long continuous plume of oil in the Gulf of Mexico at 1100 meters depth. (2010-08-25)
Kemp's Ridley Turtle Hatchlings Released Into Gulf of Mexico
Thousands of endangered baby sea turtles are being released into the Gulf of Mexico from the Texas coast. (2010-07-27)
Newly Discovered Pancake Batfish Lives in Gulf Oil Spill Region
A newly discovered species of batfish, Halieutichthys intermedius, lives in the waters completely encompassed by the Gulf oil spill. (2010-07-08)
Sandbonis Being Used to Clean Oil Covered Beaches
The AP reports that Gulf Coast crews are using sand-sifting machines called Sandbonis to help clean beaches that are covered in oil because of the BP oil disaster. (2010-07-07)
Bobby Jindal: No Life in Louisiana Marshes
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal says there is no life at all in the marshes in Louisiana anymore. (2010-06-03)
Oil Gushing From BP's Oil Leak Turns Darker
The oil gushing from BP's damaged, open oil well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico has turned a darker color. (2010-05-25)
First Sea Turtle From Oil Spill Rescued and Cleaned
An oiled baby Kemp's Ridley sea turtle is being cared for at Audubon Aquarium's Aquatics Center in New Orleans. (2010-05-20)