Space News

Caltech Simulation Shows How Black Holes Grow (2024-07-02): New Caltech cosmic simulation finds that magnetic fields play a much larger role in the growth and evolution of black holes than previously thought.

3D Visualization of The Pillars of Creation (2024-06-28): The Hubble Space Telescope shared this 3D visualization of The Pillars of Creation.

ReachBot to Explore Caves on Mars (2024-06-23): ReachBot is a lightweight robot with extendable booms that is being developed by Stanford University researchers to explore caves on the moon and Mars.

Study Finds Seven Stars Possibly Containing Dyson Spheres (2024-06-21): A study has found seven possible stars containing Dyson spheres. The researchers looked for evidence of infrared radiation that could not be explained.

Astronomers Observe Black Hole Awakening (2024-06-19): Astronomers observe a black hole awakening in real time. Galaxy SDSS1335+0728 start shining brighter than ever before in 2019.

Space Weather Prediction Center Issues Very Rare Geomagnetic Storm Watch (2024-05-10): NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a Geomagnetic Storm Watch for May 11, 2024. the SWPC calls a watch at this level very rare.

Paired Brown Dwarfs End Up Alone (2024-03-22): A new study by astronomers using Hubble data has found that Brown dwarfs that start out paired often end up alone.

Hubble Observes Stormy Weather on Jupiter (2024-03-15): Hubble captures images of Jupiter's stormy weather and provides an animation showing Jupiter's rotation. See The Great Red Spot and Red Spot Jr.

NASA's JWST Captures New Views of NGC 604 (2024-03-12): NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured stunning new views of NGC 604, a star forming region of the Triangulum galaxy.

Astronomers Identify Most Luminous Quasar (2024-02-19): Astronomers have identified a record-breaking quasar which is powered by the fastest-growing black hole.

Japan Launches Rocket Carrying Moon Sniper (2023-09-07): Japan has successfully launched a rocket carrying SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon). The precision mission has been nicknamed Moon Sniper.

Video: DART Spacecraft Collides with Asteroid (2022-09-26): Here is the moment NASA's Dart spacecraft made its historic collision with the Dimorphos asteroid.

NASA Visualization of Shallow Lightning on Jupiter (2020-08-10): NASA visualization shows a simulated journey into a high-altitude exotic storm on Jupiter.

Mars Nightglow Animation from Mars Maven Orbiter (2020-08-07): This video shows the Mars' nightside atmosphere glowing and pulsating. The video was created using data from the Mars MAVEN spacecraft.

Virgin Galactic Reveals VSS Unity Spaceship Interior (2020-07-28): Virgin Galactic revealed the interior of its tourist ship VSS Unity in a livestream today.

It Rains Liquid Iron on Exoplanet WASP-76b (2020-03-12): It rains liquid iron on exoplanet WASP-76b. The discovery was made by astronomers using the ESO's Very Large Telescope.

JPL Shares New Version of The Pale Blue Dot (2020-02-19): NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has shared a new version of the Pale Blue Dot to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the famous image of Earth taken by NASA's 1990 Voyager mission.

NASA Shares Black Hole Visualizations (2019-09-27): NASA has released new visualizations of a black hole illustrating how its gravity distorts our view.

Hubble Image Reveals Near Perfect Symmetry of Galaxy NGC 2985 (2019-08-02): This stunning Hubble image reveals the near-perfect symmetry in spiral galaxy NGC 2985. The galaxy is located over 70 million light years from Earth.

First Image of a Black Hole Captured with Event Horizon Telescope (2019-04-10): Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole using the Event Horizon Telescope.