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Here are the latest posts about Genes on Science, Space & Robots:

Scientists Identify the Genes for Human Nose Shape
Scientists from University College London have identified four genes that give human noses their shape. (May 24, 2016)

Green Sea Slug Borrows Genes from Algae
A unique green sea slug borrows genes from algae so it can feed on sunlight through photosynthetic processes. (February 9, 2015)

Scientists Discover Gene That Helps Decapitated Flatworms Regrow Heads
Scientists have discovered the gen, zic-1, that helps flatworms regrow their heads after they have been decapitated. (July 8, 2014)

Global Goat Gene Pool Under Serious Threat Say Scientists
Scientists are seriously concerned about the global goat gene pool. (January 25, 2013)

Five Face Genes Have Been Identified, Could Help With Forensics
Researchers have discovered five genes that determine human facial shapes. (September 14, 2012)

Black Queen Hypothesis: Some Species Survive by Discarding Genes
A new hypothesis on evolution, the Black Queen Hypothesis, suggests some living organisms evolve by discarding genes and letting other species play their hand. (April 7, 2012)

Scrumptious Human Rice Modified With Human Genes
The Independent reports that scientists have begun adding human genes to rice in Japan. (April 23, 2005)