Rain: Page: 3

This is page 3 of the Rain posts on Science, Space & Robots.

Tiny Fly Brains Are High Speed Motion Computers
Tiny fly brains can process visual movements in only fractions of a second. (July 14, 2010)

Study Finds Baby Brain Scans Show Signs of Schizophrenia
Most schizophrenia cases aren't detected until a person starts experiencing symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, as a teenager or an adult. (June 21, 2010)

Libby's: Heavy Rains Mean Major Canned Pumpkin Shortage This Holiday Season
Nestle has warned consumers that it might run out of Libby's canned pumpkin pie filling before Thanksgiving. (November 19, 2009)

Shock Therapy at Boot Camp
Discover reports that a new technology from VirTra could make boot camp both more effective and more painful for those entering the military. (August 10, 2006)

Study: Mobile Phones Affect Brain Function
The AFP reports that a new study by scientists from Swinburne University of Technology's Brain Sciences Institute in Melbourne have found cellphones can affect brain function. (May 5, 2006)

Scientists Find That Smarter Brains Develop Differently
A new study using brain scans has determined that differences in the thickening of the cortex and not brain size have more to do with intelligence. (April 4, 2006)

Scientists Create Neuro-Chips
Scientists have created neuro-chips that contain both living brain cells and silicon circuits. This could lead to the development of an organic computer. (March 29, 2006)

Is Alzheimer's Damage Reversible?
A study conducted on mice suggests that damage caused by Alzheimer's may be reversible -- at least in mice. (July 16, 2005)

Nasal Surgery Reduces Migraine Pain in Test
The BBC reports that a New Jersey nasal surgery test (published in the journal Cephalagia) on 21 migraine patients reduced the severity of the headaches and cut the length of the migraines in half. (July 11, 2005)

Supercomputer to Build Detailed 3D Model of Human Brain
Neuroscientists are planning to build the most detailed model of the human brain with the help of a supercomputer provided by IBM. (June 7, 2005)

Machine Sees What You See
New Scientist reports that a new machine can read people's mind to a certain extent. (April 25, 2005)