Here are the latest posts about Stem Cell Research on Science, Space & Robots:
Video: Ghost Heart is Infused With Beating Human Stem Cells
A heart dubbed a ghost heart has been developed by Dr. Doris Taylor. It uses a scaffolding of a pig's heart. (2022-09-30)
Silly Putty Ingredient Could Advance Stem Cell Therapies Say Scientists
Scientists at the University of Michigan say an ingredient in Silly Putty could help advance stem cell therapies. (2014-04-18)
Belgian Researchers Repair Bones Using Stem Cells From Fatty Tissue
Belgian researchers have developed a new technique to repair bones using stem cells from fatty tissues. (2014-01-24)
Scientists Grow Lung Tissue From Stem Cells
Columbia researchers grow lung tissue in the lab from stem cells. (2013-12-22)
Cloning Breakthrough: Researchers Convert Human Skin Cells into Embryonic Stem Cells
Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have converted human skin cells into embryonic skin cells for the first time in a cloning breakthrough. (2013-05-15)
Scientists Grow Hair on a Bald Mouse Using Implanted Stem Cells
Japanese researchers have successfully grown hair on the back of the head of a bald mouse. (2012-04-24)
John McCain Takes Stricter Stance on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Wired reports tha Senator John McCain has taken a stronger stance against embryonic stem cell research lately. (2008-09-28)
Nancy Reagan to Lead Stem Cell Research Fight
The AP says Nancy Reagan is supporting Senators that plan to pass legislation supporting federal funds for embryonic stem cell research. (2006-05-16)
Scientists Create Tailor Made Stem Cells
The big news in science health news this week was a report
from South Korea that a group of scientists have found a way to
create stem cells that match the genes of the patients. (2005-05-23)