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Here are the latest posts about Uranus on Science, Space & Robots:

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Captures an Image of Uranus
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured an image of Uranus. The planet appears as a blue dot in the distance. (2014-05-04)

Uranus has a Trojan Companion
Astronomers say Uranus has a Trojan companion. Trojans are asteroids that share the orbit of a planet. (2013-08-29)

Astrophysicists Say Three Centaurs Are Following Uranus
Three Centaurs are following Uranus through the solar system say astrophysicists from the Complutense University of Madrid. (2013-06-26)

Scientists Release Most Richly Detailed, Highest-Resolution Images Ever Taken of Uranus
Astronomers have released the most richly detailed, highest-resolution images ever taken of Uranus. (2012-10-19)

Researchers Capture Glimpses of Uranus Auroras
Scientists have captured images of auroras above the giant ice planet Uranus for the first time. (2012-04-19)