Here are the latest posts about Vaccines on Science, Space & Robots:
Dr. Osterholm Warns of New Covid-19 Surge in U.S.
Dr. Michael Osterholm is warning of a new surge in Covid-19 cases. These cases are being driven by the new Covid-19 variants. (2021-04-07)
CDC Says Influenza Vaccinations Prevented 79,000 Flu Hospitalizations Last Year
The CDC says influenza vaccinations prevented 79,000 flu hospitalizations and 3.2 million medical visits last year (2013-12-13)
The Lancet Retracts Study Linking Autism to MMR Vaccine
The Lancet, a highly respect British medical journal, has retracted a study that showed a connection between autism and the childhood MMR vaccine. (2010-02-03)
H1N1 Inundates Hospitals As Vaccine Very Slowly Trickles In
The White House residently declared the H1N1 swine flu pandemic a national emergency and a USA Today article explains why. (2009-10-26)
CVS to Offer Free Seasonal Flu Shots to Unemployed
Reuters reports that CVSwill provide 100,000 free seasonal flu shots to the unemployed this fall. (2009-08-31)
Study Finds No Measles Vaccine and Autism Link
A new study has found that there is no link between the measles vaccine and Autism. (2008-09-04)
Tattooing May Provide Bigger Immune Response Than Injections
The BBC reports that German researchers have found that tattooing may be a better delivery mechanism for vaccines than injections. (2008-03-07)
Merck Halts AIDS Vaccine Tests
There was some very unfortunate news earlier this week when Merck reported that it was halting its AIDS vaccine test because tests showed the vaccine was not working - people were still getting infected with the HIV virus. (2007-09-24)
Promising Vaccine Could Protect People Against All Flu Strains
The Daily Mail has an article about a promising new flu vaccine. (2007-01-08)
Skin Patches May Replace Shots
MNSBC. (2006-11-06)
Experimental Vaccine Prevents Cervical Cancer
USA Today reports that an experimental new vaccine has been developed that protects against cervical cancer. (2005-10-06)