Experimental Vaccine Prevents Cervical Cancer
Posted on October 6, 2005
USA Today reports that an experimental new vaccine has been developed that protects against cervical cancer. The vaccine targets specific types of the the human papillomavirus (HPV.
Scientists are reporting Friday that the vaccine was 100% effective in preventing cervical cancer and precancerous changes tied to two types of a common sexually transmitted virus.Cervical cancer is expected to kill 3,710 in 2005 so this is a very significant development in the battle against cancer. Both Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are working on cervical cancer vaccines. It will be interesting to whether any other cancers turn out to be caused by viruses in the future."It's a very impressive finding," Christopher Crum, director of women's and perinatology pathology at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, said Thursday.
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