Health News: Page 7

This is page 7 of the health news archives.

Neurosurgeon Says First Human Head Transplant Could Happen by 2017 (March 3, 2015): Neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero thinks a human head transplant could work as early as 2017.

Microneedle Patch Technology for Polio Immunization Gets Funding (February 24, 2015): Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation fund development of microneedle patch technology for polio immunization.

Ebola Virus Family is 16 to 23 Million Years Old (October 27, 2014): Scientists say the ebola virus family, called filovirus, is at least 16 to 23 million years old.

Spanish Nurse Contracts Ebola Virus in Madrid (October 6, 2014): A Spanish nurse has contracted the Ebola virus in Madrid after treating Ebola patients.

Health Officials Tracking Down Ebola Patient's Contacts in Dallas (October 1, 2014): CDC and local health official are trying to contact all the Ebola patient's contact in Dallas.

Six Smallpox Vials Found in FDA Lab Storage Room (July 8, 2014): Forgotten smallpox vials from the 1950s have been found in an FDA lab storage room.

CDC Anthrax Scare Blamed on Breach of Protocol (June 21, 2014): CDC is blaming its anthrax mishap on a breach of protocol. The breach may have exposed 84 CDC workers to live anthrax bacteria.

Parasite Egg Found in 6,200-Year Old Grave Suggests Ancient Irrigation Systems Spread Disease (June 20, 2014): The egg of a flatworm parasite found in a 6,200-year-old grave suggests ancient irrigation systems may have helped spread disease.

EPA and FDA Issue New Draft Guidelines For Pregnant Women Who Eat Fish (June 10, 2014): Pregnant women are avoiding seafood due to its toxicity to the fetus. Now the FDA wants pregnant women to eat more seafood, so long as it is low in mercury.

Study Links Reduced Sleep to Childhood Obesity (June 7, 2014): A new study has linked reduced sleep to childhood obesity. Over 1,000 children were monitored in the study.

Patient Dies From Mad Cow Disease in Texas (June 5, 2014): A Texas patient has died from Mad cow disease. Lab tests confirmed the patient had Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Tick Preserved in Ancient Amber Reveals That Lyme Disease is Older Than Humans (May 30, 2014): Spirochetes found in a tick preserved in 15 million year old amber reveals that lyme disease has been around since before humans arrived.

Windshield Washer Fluid is a Source of Legionnaires Say Scientists (May 19, 2014): Scientists have determined that Legionnaires disease may be able to grow in windshield washer fluid.

Study Finds Bullies May Get Health Benefit From Bullying Others (May 19, 2014): A new study has found that bullies get a health benefit from their bad deeds. Bullies were found to have a lower C-reactive protein level as adults.

FDA Requires Lower Starting Dose for Lunesta, a Sleep Aid Drug (May 15, 2014): The FDA is warning that the recommended starting dose of Lunesta is too high.

Two Orlando Health Care Workers Exposed to MERS Patient Fall Ill (May 13, 2014): Two Orlando health care workers exposed to the MERS patient may have contracted MERS.

Second MERS Case Confirmed in the U.S. (May 12, 2014): A second MERS case has been confirmed in the U.S. The patient is a healthcare worker who had been traveling in the Middle East.

Walking Doesn't Impair Thinking Ability Say University of Michigan Researchers (May 11, 2014): University of Michigan researchers find that walking doesn't impair thinking in a study using treadmills and the Brooks spatial working memory task.

Exploding Head Syndrome is a Real Sleep Disorder (May 6, 2014): Exploding head syndrome is a real sleep disorder says Washington State University researcher.

Young Blood Recharges Old Mice Brains Say Stanford Researchers (May 5, 2014): Stanford researchers have found that young blood can restore mental capabilities in old mice. The circulatory systems of mice were connected in the study.

CDC Confirms First U.S. Case of MERS (May 2, 2014): The first U.S. case of MERS has been confirmed. The man is in a hospital in Indiana. He recently traveled to Riyadh.

New Study Implicates Camels in MERS Outbreak (April 29, 2014): A new study implicates camels as the source of the MERS outbreak in the Middle East.

Researchers Find Amoebas That Nibble Human Cells to Death (April 28, 2014): Researchers find parasites that nibble human cells to death.

Study Finds Surface Area of Human Digestive Tract is 30 to 40 Square Meters (April 27, 2014): A new study has found that the surface area of the human digestive tract is about 30 to 40 square meters, much less than previously thought.

FDA Proposes New Regulations for E-cigarettes (April 25, 2014): The FDA is proposing new rules regarding the sale of e-cigarettes. They include a ban on e-cigarette sales to children under age 18

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