Here are the latest posts about Diet on Science, Space & Robots:
Scientists Link ALK Gene to Thinness
Scientists have linked to ALK Gene to thinness. Researchers found deactivating gene led to weight loss in mice and fruit flies. (2020-06-01)
EPA and FDA Issue New Draft Guidelines For Pregnant Women Who Eat Fish
Pregnant women are avoiding seafood due to its toxicity to the fetus. Now the FDA wants pregnant women to eat more seafood, so long as it is low in mercury. (2014-06-10)
Japanese Scientists Create Diet Goggles
Discovery News reports that researchers at the University of Tokyo have created Diet Goggles. (2012-06-06)
Scientists Discover New Research Use for Ancient Dental Plaque
Centuries ago, dental calculus would build up through the years, layer after layer, like a stalagmite. (2012-05-05)
Study Finds Eating Raisins Regularly Helps Lower Blood Pressure
A study has found that eating raisins may help lower blood pressure. (2012-03-26)
Study Finds White Rice Consumption Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A new study claims that the risk of type 2 diabetes is significantly increased if white rice is eaten regularly. (2012-03-16)
Study Finds High Fiber Diets Don't Protect Against Diverticulosis
University of North Carolina researchers are challenging commonly-held beliefs about the causes of diverticulosis, a disease of the large intestine in which pouches develop in the colon wall. (2012-03-15)
Diet and Catch the Flu?
Dieting may not be wise if what MSU researchers found in mice translates to humans as well. (2009-01-05)
List of Risks Posed by Fad Diets
The American Heart Association has provided the following list of possible risks posed by fad diets. (2007-08-23)
Just One High Fat Meal Bad for Arteries
A study by the Heart Research Institute in Sydney, Australia, compared people eating two meals of carrot cake and a milkshake one month apart. (2006-08-08)
Atkins Diet Health Concerns
Doctors are warning of health risks associated with the low-carb or Atkins diet following the case of a 40 year-old woman who developed a serious blood condition after following the Atkin's diet. (2006-03-17)
Study: Low-Fat Diet Does Not Lower Health Risk
A large study on fat and diet has found that a low-fat diet has no added health benefit. (2006-02-07)
Americans Make Diet and Fitness Resolutions
The beginning of the year is when many people make New Year's resolutions and start diets. (2006-01-03)
Dark Chocolate May Help Lower Blood Pressure
Reuters reports that an American Heart Association study has found that dark chocolate may help the heart. (2005-07-22)
Study: 58 Percent Likely to Skip Lunch
A new national survey commissioned by Smoothie King has found that many Americans are too busy to get a healthy lunch and 58% said they will skip lunch if they are too busy. (2005-07-19)
Consumer Reports Rates Nine Popular Diets
Consumer Reports (CR) examined nine popular diets in its June issue. (2005-06-23)
Only 3% Live a Healthy Lifestyle
We have seen the new healthy pyramid website released by the government. (2005-04-27)